Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving, Everybody!!

Hey, enough negativity already.

It's the holidays, and I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Whether you spend it with friends or family, enjoy the holiday. Give thanks to God for all we have been given.

Let's remember for a moment why we celebrate Thanksgiving.

The true story as chronicled by Governor William Bradford in his book, "Of Plimouth Plantation".

The Pilgrims set up a communist system in which they owned the land in common and would also share the harvests in common. By 1623, it became clear this system was not working out well. The men were not eager to work in the fields, since if they worked hard, they would have to share their produce with everyone else.

Bradford wrote that their experience taught them that communism, meaning sharing all the production, was vain and a failure

The Pilgrims changed their economic system from communism to geoism; the land was still owned in common and could not be sold or inherited, but each family was allotted a portion, and they could keep whatever they grew.

Their new geoist economic system was a great success. It looked like they would have an abundant harvest this time. But then, during the summer, the rains stopped, threatening the crops. The Pilgrims held a "Day of Humiliation" and prayer. The rains came and the harvest was saved. It is logical to surmise that the Pilgrims saw this as a sign that God blessed their new economic system, because Governor Bradford proclaimed November 29, 1623, as a Day of Thanksgiving.

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