Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Favorite Time of Day

When I was younger (much younger) my sister Naomi and I had to share a bed. We would be sent down to bed each night with the instructions, "Go to bed and no playing around". Yeah right, like that would EVER happen!! We would spend hours sometimes playing or making up games in bed. I remember those fond memories well and they often bring smiles to my face.
My husband and I have reverted back to my childhood, he never had to share a bed with his siblings. We'll talk and laugh and most often will stay up much later talking and goofing off than we do at any other time during the day. Often staying up waaaaayyyy past our bedtime. We keep threatening to start recording our conversations and our giggles and reviewing them at a much later date. How incredible it is to have so much fun with your spouse. He truly is my best friend.


Amanda said...

Jason and I do that too. When we were both in school it got really bad to the point that we'd go to bed at ten and not go to sleep until 1 or 2 in the morning. Talking, telling stupid jokes, making up mob names for the kids. (Liam and Harry are cookies and milk. And Molly is pickles.)
We do at least 85% of our talking in bed at night.

Naomi said...

That's very sweet. Do you think Mom and Dad actually thought we were going to sleep? Maybe they were just too tired to come and make us be quiet.

Carter said...

It's doubtful they thought we were going to sleep but it sorta devilish that I thought we were actually getting away with it.