Monday, March 13, 2006

Guilty before proven Innocent

Senator Russ Feingold, democrat, Wisconsin, has just stood on the Senate floor and said in no uncertain terms that President George W. Bush has broken the law and should be censured. Now I pay a lot of attention to what is going on in our country, what our leaders are doing and I watch and read the news constantly throughout the day. At no time has President Bush been indicted for any crime, he hasn't been impeached, he hasn't had any hearing, he hasn't been tried. One of the rights gauranteed by the constitution is the right to trial, and that all those accused are presumed innocent until proven guilty. I guess Senator Feingold is unfamiliar with the constitution.

If the President is impeached, tried and found guilty of violating the law the I would agree to appropriate punishment. However, calling for a censure of the President at this time, making unproven claims of violating FISA laws and misleading the American people, is completely inappropriate, ignorant, and is nothing more than a public political stunt. Is Feingold courting the Left for a possible Presidential nomination?


Jason said...

President Bush cannot be indicted while President. As for political stunts, both parties do it all the time. No big suprise on how far they will go.

Carter said...

True, but calling for punishment before there's even been an investigation.